As per the 9/11 widow who was caught in a contingency fee case where her attorney was demanding his fee, found all this very frustrating till when simmons jannace & stagg took her case. She may time felt like committing suicides. In difficult situations it is very difficult to fight with the frustration unless some positive help is received. The attorney sought $2,000,000 as a contingency fee from the widow. Due to their fight and well arguments in the court both cases got favorable response. The fight of simmons jannace & stag was able to found justice to the women by upholding the decision of fee. Only after the intervention of simmons jannace & stag, she was able to get some relief. This is common story for many women who have to struggle hard to get their voice heard and many are not lucky her to get the justice. To solve this in convince to women, we could think about a separate judicial system for them which fast and more caring for women. It now upon us how we take this issues further.