Women are still an inferior sex

Women are here from the time of evolution. God has created both the man and women at the same time. Both man and women depend upon each other for the evolution of life. The circle of evolution will stop, if one of them disappears. However the state the women are not more than a inferior sex. The most the world is in the control of man. This is true to the whole world, even for the developed countries like America and UK. Even there also women are treated for miss behavior. If this is the state of women in developed countries then, what we can accept from the countries like India, Pakistan?
Women have seen improved in their standard of life. But still many things are required to done. In education women have achieved much success. Their numbers in schools and colleges are either equal or more than men. This is an encouraging sign. However the major concern is the number of women occupying various top positions in jobs. The numbers of women at the top position are very less. There are only 17 women executive directors in 100 largest FTSE companies. Only less than one seventh of members of EU parliament are women. Researchers believe that the women representation in corporate leader has remained stagnant for years.
The main reason for women not continuing with the job or taking the higher positions may be that with the increase in the status of women they become less desirable. A man can love his secretary, but the chances of him loving to his boss are very less. Therefore many women opt to sacrifice their carrier for their family life. This made Norway’s parliament to pass that 40% of the directors on corporate boards be women. In India it is even more difficult to search a qualified man to a highly qualified girl. There is a tendency in the mind of men that their wife should less superior to them. The chance of a man marrying a woman more qualified to him is very less.
The other major problem faced by the women is their inferior sex image. They treated as something which depends upon someone to save her and give her shelter. Women may climb the mountains but the leadership qualities will be always attributed to man. This image some times plays major role in decreasing the self confidence of women. Women may be the most wonderful thing on earth, every body may want to marry her and have sex with her, but nobody wants her as daughter especially in India. This is clear from the recent data made available by the government of India which show in the age group of 0 to one year for every 1000 male children there are only 930 girls Childs in India. In some states it is even less than 800. Therefore it requires a major change in the thinking process of society regarding the women.
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