
Mother is most fascinating word on the earth. It is the most known and spoken word. Researcher’s say the first word we learn is Mother. There is nothing which can be put above her. She is near to God to the new born, as they totally depend on her. She is the example of selfless service on earth. She is doing a extraordinary service to the mankind without demanding anything for it. Every human being is burdened by her sacrifices.
None can take her place in this world. She is always with her child in all difficulties. She tries her best to save us from the difficulties of world. We are the part of her. She has fed us for nine month in her womb. She has given us her blood and shared with us her food. With out her help, we have never come to this world. Therefore she is doing the job same as God.
We believe that God gives birth to us, but we have no clear example of it. Where as the example of Mother giving us birth, are available from the time of our existence. Then way she is not above the God. We can remember endless examples of her exceptional work to us. She sacrifices her life for his. In return she does not want anything from us. Her child happiness is everything for her.
I salute all these mothers on earth. They are the example of endless work of humanity. Without her we have never understood, what is love, sacrifice, compromise, and giving happiness to others. What in the latest some episodes show concern to us. Recently we have learned lot of cases where children have left their mother’s abandoned. This thing can not be done to creature of love. Second some mothers are found to abandon their children at railway station or in temple. We should avoid this type of thing, to carry on with this great tradition. Respect Mother and try to give her, as much happiness as we can. Because we will remember her great works, when she is not with us.
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